You Can Now Book Your Spot at Bars and Wineries on OpenTable

An orange cocktail

As bars and wineries open back up with limited capacity, OpenTable is here to help you save your spot with a new feature that allows diners to book a seat at their favorite drinking destinations. The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way that bars, wineries, and breweries are able to operate, and making a reservation at bars and wineries means skipping crowded spaces and long lines.

What’s new

Booking at bars and wineries is now live at select venues in across the country, including New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area, Fort Lauderdale, and Austin, and will expand to include additional locations throughout the country as more cities re-open. Booking allows diners to:

  • Have some peace of mind knowing that the venue is complying with COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Save a spot at the bar to enjoy a drink at a safe distance from other guests.
  • Get instantly alerted when it’s time to check-in, avoiding waiting in a line or among crowds.

How it works

Screenshots of how to filter for bars and wineries on OpenTable

Find and book a spot at a bar or winery the same way you would with a restaurant today on OpenTable’s app or website:

  • To find bars near you, simply filter by Cuisine. Choose to drill down by Bar/Lounge/Bottle service; Beer Garden, Brewery; or Cocktail Bar.
  • To find wineries near you, filter by Cuisine, and then choose Winery.

In the future, you’ll even have the option to prepay for a tasting experience or join a virtual waitlist to be alerted when to arrive.As restaurants reopen, OpenTable is here to help navigate you through dining in the new normal. You can also find out policies in your area; see what’s available for dine-in, takeout, or delivery; hear safety precautions individual restaurants are taking; and grab a long-awaited, celebratory seat at the table.

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