OpenTable comes with a mobile app — now available on both iPhone and Android.
OpenTable comes with a mobile app — now available on both iPhone and Android.
The OpenTable restaurant manager app on iPhone lets you check cover trends and stats, make and edit reservations, start a marketing campaign, receive VIP push notifications, and more.
Boost your experience to promote hard-to-sell seatings and get more turns
Accept experiences reservations directly from your website
Get more exposure when your experience is featured in OpenTable lists and collections
Get instant notifications on your iPhone and Apple Watch about the events you care about most with our restaurant hosting app.
Get instant notifications on your iPhone and Apple Watch about the events you care about most with our restaurant hosting app.
Make better plans when guests pre-order party size-specific or seasonal menus
Attract committed guests and earn up-front with prepay requirements
Upsell guests when you offer add-ons like wine pairings or restaurant merch
Turn one-timers into regulars, and regulars into VIPs with tools to recognize and reward loyalty.
Stay on top of special requests and dietary restrictions
Do it all in one place—no more jumping from system to system
Pay only a low 2% service fee + credit card processing fees
Nikon Souphan, Owner
Rock Sugar, Melbourne, Victoria
Enhance your restaurant management with the OpenTable for restaurants app, available on both iPhone and Android. Explore our related blog posts for more apps and technology to make your work easier.
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