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Are you in the hospitality industry and looking for a solution?

OpenTable sets the bar for powering up your hospitality

OpenTable sets the bar for powering up your hospitality

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Welcome to the most complete, easiest-to-use, and truly reliable restaurant platform out there


Accept and manage online reservations from around the web in one place

Table management

Maximize seatings and streamline your service.

Custom profile and listing

Manage your presence on OpenTable so guests see vital information about your restaurant.

Real-time inventory

Snag last-minute bookings and avoid double or overbooking.

Count on the best customer service in the business

Fast, comprehensive support in over 240 languages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that you can get back to doing what matters—welcoming guests and running your business.

Access the world’s largest network of valuable diners

OpenTable restaurants serve over 1.7 billion guests each year.

Gain real insights into how your business measures up

Vast diner and restaurant networks give us industry insights others can only dream of—benefit from data-driven resources and insights, from guides covering macro trends to dining stats from your neighborhood and benchmark reporting.

Let’s do this